Friday, October 7, 2011

Alpha's ABC's Featured Character October 7th 2011
"Alpha's Electric eel"

Alpha's "Electric eel" 
Featured character October 7th 2011 

A few interesting facts about the
"electric eel"

Despite their serpentine or snake like appearance, electric eels are not actually eels. Their scientific classification is more like the carp and catfish.
These famous freshwater predators get their name from the huge electrical charge they can generate to stun their prey and scare away predators. Their bodies contain electric organs with about 6,000 specialized cells called electrocytes that store power like tiny batteries. When threatened or attacking prey, these cells will discharge all at the same time, emitting a burst of at least 600 volts, five times the power of a standard U.S. wall socket.
They live in the murky streams and ponds of the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America, feeding mostly on fish, but also amphibians and even birds and small mammals. As air-breathers, they must come to the surface fairly often. They also have poor eyesight, but can emit a low-level charge, less than 10 volts, which they use like radar to navigate and locate prey.
Electric eels can grow to more than 8 feet in length and 44 pounds in weight. They have long, cylindrical bodies and flattened heads and are generally dark green or grayish on top with yellowish coloring underneath.

You guys can go to this link at our website and print out electric eel and do your own custom color job on him!!

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