Saturday, October 1, 2011

Alpha's ABC's Featured Character October 1st 2011
Alpha's Yale Yak

Hey Boy's & Girls!!
Alpha's ABC's Featured Character October 1st 2011:  "Yale Yak"

Here are a few interesting facts about Yaks 

The wild yak has a dense undercoat covered by generally dark brown to black outer hair, which almost reaches to the ground. The male wild yak can weigh up to 2200 pounds and is 6.5 feet high at the shoulder. Females weigh about a third of that. Their horns can be 20 (females) to 40 (males) inches long and grow out from the sides of the head and curve upward. Their tails are bushy.
Wild yak live in alpine meadows and on the steppes in Asia. They live at the highest altitude of any mammal. They graze on grasses, herbs, moss, lichens, and tubers. In the winter wild yak can crunch ice or snow for water.
Female yak and young congregate in large herds, while the males are more solitary or form much smaller groups. Yaks have a cleft or split hoof, which makes them agile over rocky or icy ground.
Yaks possess great lung capacity so they can absorb more oxygen. Their digestive system is also designed to keep them warm.

You can see Yale Yak and his friends here in this alphabet song on our youtube page!!


Have fun learning today everyone and don't forget to check out our facebook page!!!!



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