Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Alpha's ABC's Featured Character Oct 5th 2011

Camo Caterpillar
 Hey Everyone!  
Or Featured Character For Oct 5th 2011 
"Camo Caterpillar"

And here are a few interesting caterpillar facts: 

Caterpillars are insects that turn into butterflies and moths. They come in many different types and colors and are worm-like in shape with a distinct head. Their bodies have three pairs of short, joined legs with hooks on the thorax and unjoined fleshy appendages called prolegs on the abdomen. They have a row of eyes on either side of their body and silk glands that emit silk strands continuously as they move.
Caterpillars live for around two weeks to a month before they turn into a butterfly or moth, but some live for up to 10 months. During this time, they grow more than 30,000 times their original size, and as they grow their exoskeleton becomes tight and so they shed their skin. This shedding process happens about four or five times, and after the last shedding the caterpillar fastens itself to a branch and enters the pupa stage, using silk from its silk glands to spin a protective cocoon. It is while inside here that the caterpillar undergoes what is called metamorphosis. During this time the caterpillar's six front legs transform into the adult insects legs and the prolegs disappear. Wings grow and the insect becomes a butterfly or moth.
 Caterpillars spend most of their time eating with their powerful jaws. They are predominately herbivores, which means they eat mostly leaves and plant matter, but some species do eat fungi and dead animal matter, including other caterpillars. An example of this can be seen in the cinnabar caterpillars, who are known for being cannibalistic. This particular species of caterpillar will eat other larvae for no particular reason.
Caterpillars live throughout the world. They can be found anywhere from the beach to the forests to the meadows, and some have even been seen in the Antarctic. These particular caterpillars can take two to three years to develop into an adult. Despite being found in a variety of places, caterpillars are mostly located in areas where plant matter is abundant because they are constantly eating.

Okay Boys & Girls, Have Fun Learning & Have A Great Today!
And don't forget to check out our cool alphabet video here on our youtube channel!!

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