Sunday, December 4, 2011

18,000 Views!! Thanks Everyone!!

      18,000 Views !!!!   Thanks Everyone !!!

      Children's Alphabet Song Video!!!!

      Join Alpha's ABC's on Facebook!!! 

     Follow Alpha's ABC's on Twitter!!! 

     Alpha's ABC's on MySpace!!!

Thanks Everyone!!  Have Fun Learning Today!!!!!!!!!!

Alpha's ABC's on Youtube!

Alpha's "Mac Mouse"
 Hey Boys and Girls!!  

 Alpha's "Mac Mouse" wants to update you!! 

Alpha's ABC's has two youtube channels.
We started out with the trisley7 channel.

Then we created a new channel  (Alpha's ABC's)

We decided the channel name should be more associated with what we do and we just wanted to let you guys know the scoop!

You can view our material from either channel and here's the link to Alpha's ABC's

Mac Mouse and all of Alpha's friends would like to thank you guys for your support. 
Our Children's Alphabet Song Video view count is now nearing 18,000 and gaining 
more viewers every day!!  Please subscribe free to our blog & you'll be the first to know
when we upload new materials, video, etc.  We invite you to join us on Facebook also!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Kid's Popular Alphabet Song Video

Alpha's "Mac Mouse"
 Hey kid's!!  "Mac Mouse has a tip for you!!

Check out Alpha and his animal friends
on our Alpha's ABC's youtube channel!

Our featured video is the very popular
children's alphabet song seen also on
our other channel! Subscribe free to the
channel and stay up to date when we add
new videos, etc.

Have fun learning today!!!!

Hey Kid's, Don't forget to join us on Facebook!!!!
Here's the link!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Great Children's Alphabet Song Video!!!

Have Fun Learning Today!!!!

Alpha's ABC's Games eBook

Hey Kid's
Alpha The ABC's Man
 Check out Alpha's ABC's Games eBook!! 

Here's the video on our youtube channel!!

Alpha's ABC's On Twitter

Alpha The ABC's Man
 Hey Kid's
   Follow Alpha's ABC's on Twitter !!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Alpha's Children's Alphabet Song Video

Alpha's "Texana Turkey"

Hello Kid's
  Alpha's ABC's "Texana Turkey" Tip Of The Day!!

We all know that learning is a great thing and it's really great when you are having fun ! So here's a link to Alpha's ABC's Youtube channel, where you can see this and other cool alphabet videos. Tell your friends and everyone subscribe to the channel so you can stay up to date when we add new stuff. Thanks for your awesome support as this video is now reaching 15,000 views in such a short period of time!!

Alpha's "Mango Monkey"

Hey guys, don't forget to like Alpha's on our Facebook page!!

Also Mango Monkey says check out Alpha's ABC's Games eBook

Alpha's ABC's Games
Have Fun Learning Everyone!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bobby Bee's Big Adventure Preview

Hey Boys & Girls!
 Alpha wanted to give you a sneak preview of our next illustrated book. 

"Bobby Bee's Big Adventure"
Bobby Bee will have to find his friend Ben after he gets separated from the bee colony.

Be sure and subscribe to Alpha's blog and you'll know first when new material is released!! Oh yeah, Don't forget to join Alpha's ABC's on Facebook!

Alpha would also like to thank everyone for the outstanding support and response to our very popular      "Children's Alphabet Video"

Friday, October 28, 2011

Children's Alphabet Song Video!!

"Alpha The ABC's Man"
Kid's Love To Learn When It's Fun!!!! 

Children Love To Learn When It's Fun!!

Alpha's on Facebook

Children's Alphabet Song Video !!

Alpha The ABC's Man

Hey Kid's
 Alpha The ABC's Man has a cool tip for you!!
Check out his popular "Children's Alphabet Video"
on our Youtube channel!!
Lots of Alpha's cool character friends in the video! 

 Here's the link!!

 Looks like Bailey Blackbird is kicked back & ready for the show !!
Bailey Blackbird

 Bailey also says he would like for you guys to join him and his buddies on Alpha's ABC's Facebook page.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Alpha's "Children's Alphabet Song Video"

Alpha's "Mango Monkey"
Hey Kid's
 Alpha's "Mango Monkey" has a tip for you!!

Check out our "Children's Alphabet Song Video"
Mango and lots of his friends are in the video.
It's a really cool way to learn your ABC's and these guys are demonstrating each one of the alphabets from A to Z.  George Gorilla, Henry Hippo and friends will see you there. Oh yeah, remember to subscribe to the channel and share it with your friends.
So click the link below and enjoy the show!!


One more thing guys, Mango would like you to join Alpha's on Facebook!!
Click the Like button on our Facebook page & we'll send you some cool e stuff!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Alpha's ABC's On Facebook

Pablo Penguin
 Hey Kid's 
Alpha & his friends would like to invite you to join them on Facebook. And Alpha says if you like them there and click the like button we'll send you some cool characters color pages by email or we'll post them on your Facebook wall if you want. Anyway there's a lot of good information for you there and we would really love to have you join us!!  Here's the link .


And one more reminder guys about our Alphabet Video on youtube.
Thanks for your outstanding support and in just a few weeks our view count on this video is now well over 10,000 !!! Here's the link to the video.

Kid's Alphabet Video Already Over 10,000 Views!!

Alpha's Halloween H

It's almost Halloween Everyone & it looks like H is ready for some candy!!    And so are his friends!!

George & Halloween G

Hey you guys, we're already over 10,000 views on our Alphabet video!!!!!  Check it out & share with your friends. Here's the link.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Halloween Is Close

George Gorilla

It's close to Halloween you guys. And we all know what that means! Well yeah, usually lots of candy but also lots of cool costumes, you know like ghost and witch G's. Okay this might be the first time you've seen a G dressed for Halloween, but hey that's what we do at Alpha's!! And this is even a friendly G! He's giving George a ride.
We'll be introducing more of these cool characters for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!! Heck we'll probably even have some new looks for Easter next year.
So you guys be sure and subscribe to our blog page here and you'll always be up to speed on what we're doing!.

In the mean time let's check in with George & friends on our Alphabet Video!!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Alpha's Featured Character Oct 18th 2011

Alpha's "Paco Pelican"

Alpha's "Paco Pelican"

Looks like Paco's been diving for some fish!!

What's that you say? Paco's got some interesting Pelican facts for us?
Okay, let's see what he's got!!

There are more than half a dozen species of pelicans, but all of them have the famous throat pouch for which the birds are best known. These large birds use their elastic pouches to catch fish, though different species use it in different ways.
Many pelicans fish by swimming in cooperative groups. They may form a line or a "U" shape and drive fish into shallow water by beating their wings on the surface. When fish congregate in the shallows, the pelicans simply scoop them up. The brown pelican, on the other hand, dives on fish (usually a type of herring called menhaden) from above and snares them in its bill. Pelicans do not store fish in their pouch, but simply use it to catch them and then tip it back to drain out water and swallow the fish immediately. The American white pelican can hold some 3 gallons of water in its bill. Young pelicans feed by sticking their bills into their parents' throats to retrieve food.
Pelicans are found on many of the world's coastlines and also along lakes and rivers. They are social birds and typically travel in flocks, often strung out in a line. They also breed in groups called colonies, which typically gather on islands.

Well, that was pretty interesting stuff there Mr Paco Pelican!!!!

Hey Kid's Here's a few more of Alpha's characters in this video